INDIANAPOLIS – Democratic members of the Indiana Senate Health and Provider Services Committee raised concerns about Gov. Braun’s Executive Order 25-20, describing it as a decision that risks Hoosiers’ privacy, freedoms and futures. The order directs the Indiana Department of Health (IDOH) to comply with the state laws they’re already required to follow and puts at risk the privacy of Termination of Pregnancy Reports (TPRs), which Indiana’s own Public Access Counselor identified as confidential medical records.

“This executive order isn’t about protecting life—it’s about control,” said Sen. Shelli Yoder. “By prioritizing political posturing over privacy and policies that actually improve health, the governor is putting families in harm’s way and undermining the freedoms Hoosiers hold dear.”

Privacy at Risk 

The governor’s directive requires the IDOH to heighten the collection and reporting of sensitive data related to terminated pregnancies. TPRs, which already include detailed information such as age, residence, employment, family size, educational background, and medical history, pose significant risks to patient privacy particularly in small communities where anonymization is nearly impossible.

A 2024 report by the Guttmacher Institute highlighted that restrictive abortion reporting laws disproportionately impact women in rural and marginalized communities, with increased risks of identity exposure and harassment. Studies show that 73% of Americans believe medical records should be private, reinforcing the public’s opposition to government overreach in healthcare decisions.

“Imagine the damage that could be done if your private medical decisions were weaponized against you,” said Yoder. “This is lawlessness disguised as governance, and it jeopardizes the safety and dignity of every Hoosier.”

While IDOH is legally required to collect this information, they are not required to release the individual records to the public. Yoder said the executive order furthers efforts by Republicans to identify those who receive abortions, politicizing healthcare and increasing the risk of breaches to confidential medical records.

Real Impacts on Families

Indiana ranks among the worst states for maternal health outcomes with the third-highest maternal mortality rate in the nation. Nearly one in four Hoosier mothers lack access to adequate postpartum care, and Black and rural mothers face disproportionately poor outcomes.

“How can we support life when Indiana families are left to suffer without the support they need?” said Sen. La Keisha Jackson. “This executive order doesn’t solve these problems—it adds to them by undermining trust in our healthcare system.”

Opportunities for Meaningful Action 

If Indiana is truly a pro-life state, it’s time to support policies that reflect those values by addressing the real challenges Hoosier families face and providing meaningful support for life at every stage:

  • Protect privacy: Senate Bill 191, ensures that terminated pregnancy reports are treated as confidential medical records, shielding them from public disclosure and safeguarding Hoosiers’ most sensitive health information.
  • Support families: Senate Bill 115 establishes a Paid Family and Medical Leave Program, giving parents the ability to care for their families during critical moments without risking financial ruin.
  • Improve maternal health: Senate Bill 522 addresses postpartum mental health care, Medicaid coverage for doula services and other critical resources to support mothers and children, especially in underserved communities.

“These bills are more than just legislative proposals—they are opportunities to put the values of life and family into practice,” Sen. Ford said. “If we truly care about supporting Hoosiers, this is where we need to start. These solutions are practical, impactful and necessary to protect privacy, support families and improve health outcomes.”

A Call for Bipartisan Collaboration

The Democratic members expressed hope for bipartisan cooperation to address these critical issues.

“Every Hoosier deserves the right to privacy, dignity and freedom from government overreach,” said Yoder. “This isn’t just about laws—it’s about lives, and it’s about trust.”

The senators encouraged lawmakers to prioritize policies that reflect Hoosiers’ values and protect their futures.

“This is the moment to show Indiana families that their lives, freedoms and futures matter,” Yoder said. “Let’s work together to make that happen.”