Serving as a Page for the Indiana General Assembly is an excellent educational opportunity for students to gain a first-hand glimpse of how the legislative process works.

Students in grade 6 (age 12) through high school seniors may apply to serve as Senate pages while the General Assembly is in session. Students will serve in the State Senate for one day assisting legislative aides and interns with legislative tasks and attending session in the Senate chamber.

In 2024, the General Assembly will meet from January 8th through March 14th. Pages serve only on designated session days, which are generally Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday of each week. There are a limited number of page positions available, and interested students are encouraged to contact their State Senator early.

DID YOU KNOW: Indiana law allows Hoosier students to serve as a Senate Page one day per legislative session and receive an excused absence from school.


Tour Indiana’s historic Statehouse, including the House and Senate chambers, the Supreme Court and the Governor’s office.


Witness the legislative session directly from the floor of the Senate.


Assist senators with age-appropriate tasks.


Meet and take a photograph with your state senator.

Looking for Page Photos? Go to the Indiana Senate Page Website

Important information for parents

  • All Requests must include the parent/legal guardian’s contact information, emergency contact information, the student’s name, age and grade level, and school.
  • All siblings and friends who wish to serve as Senate Pages on the same day should indicate this request on the applications.
  • Parents and legal guardians are responsible for completing all required permission and participation forms as well as providing transportation to and from the Statehouse.
  • The Senate Page Office will contact the parent/legal guardian to confirm the scheduled paging date. More detailed information and the required forms will be delivered by mail.
  • Senate Pages are scheduled for Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the legislative session. Large groups may schedule page visits on Wednesdays.
  • Pages are expected to arrive to the Senate Page Office by 8:30 a.m. for registration and orientation. Pages are dismissed to parents and legal guardians at 3:30 p.m.
  • Pages participate in a supervised lunch in the Government Center South cafeteria, unless a parent or legal guardian over 18 years of age signs a release form and escorts the student to lunch. Pages should plan to bring a sack lunch or money to purchase a meal from the cafeteria.

Apply Online or by Letter

Save a tree or two, apply online with our quick and easy Page Request Forum. (Preferred)

Full Name

Mailing Address

Phone Number



Grade Level

Two different dates when the student(s) are available

Parent/Guardian Contact information

Medical Information

Local Newspaper

Page with a friend (Yes/No/Who)

Please address letters to:

Your State Senator’s Name
200 W. Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2785