INDIANAPOLIS — State Senator Fady Qaddoura (D-Indianapolis) filed legislation today aimed at addressing critical gaps in educational funding across Indiana.

“I am proud to file this bill today to continue championing education policies such as increasing teacher salaries, expanding On My Way to Pre-K and investing in school counselors, social workers and support staff,” said Sen. Qaddoura. “This legislation fully funds these priorities, among other provisions, to ensure that one million students in public education receive the funding and resources they need to succeed and reach their full potential.”

Senator Qaddoura’s bill includes the following six provisions:

  • Raising teacher minimum salary to $65,000
  • Increasing public school funding for each category under the funding formula and complexity index (including foundation grant amount, complexity index categories, special education, and Career and Technical Education by six percent in each fiscal year)
  • Fully funding textbook fees at $200 million
  • Increasing funding for English Language Learners, school safety grants, summer school, and teacher and support staff retention and recruitment funds
  • Increasing eligibility to On My Way to Pre-K and CCDF funding for child care
  • Allowing for bargaining discussions around additional funds.

“I firmly believe that teacher’s working conditions directly impact students’ learning outcomes,” Sen. Qaddoura reinforced.

Sen. Qaddoura emphasized that the proposed investments are vital for Indiana’s future competitiveness.

“With a $40+ billion biennium budget, the question is not whether we can fund public education, rather we must re-prioritize funding,” Sen. Qaddoura explained.

“This bill will have major positive impacts on Hoosier students across the state,” Sen. Qaddoura said. “Highschool graduation rates and post-secondary enrollment will not improve if Indiana continues to underfund public education. It is time to end the brain drain.”