INDIANAPOLIS—On Thursday, Senate Assistant Democratic Leader Shelli Yoder (D-Bloomington) released the following statement on the rejection of her amendment to ensure IUDs were a birth control option offered to Medicaid patients postpartum. 

“I’m disappointed, angry and disgusted by the rejection of my effort to ensure access to IUDs for Medicaid patients after birth. This is the most popular form of birth control and one that offers a non-hormonal option for women who cannot tolerate the hormones released by a subdermal implant. By rejecting the inclusion of IUDs in a bill to expand birth control, this body is creating a two-tiered system for birth control and saying to women you only have this one option. All women deserve all options, period, and I condemn the bogus claims circulating about IUDs being abortifacients. IUDs prevent pregnancy, they do not end them, and women need, want and deserve access to this important healthcare option.  

“On the floor, I will once again be calling my amendment and making sure Hoosiers know which of their elected officials are joining the crusade against birth control access for women.”